That is Baby BadNDN. I was adopted at three months of age.

I have a lot of anguish about being in #fostercare. I do not believe I had a responsive caregiver, but that’s just a thought I have. I feel so sorry for that baby. I think she was left alone to cry. I think she was scared, sad, and angry. That is the earliest belief I had—that I was deeply alone. Unfortunately, some elements of that loneliness were only amplified with my growing up, away from the Brown love of my aboriginal family.
🌟Heidegger describes human beings as Dasein, beings interested in their own being, in what it actually means to have the experience of humanness.
🌟 He also says that we tend to forget our being. We become distracted from our own natures by the way our identities are formed. He believes that we develop our identities through seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. This “they” identity blocks self-awareness. This, the authentic task of #dasein is both discovery and creation, to make an individual and authentic life.
🌟My task is slightly more complex because my pursuit is not simply about my own experience, but of merging that with my relatives and ancestors.